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Monday, February 20, 2006 

Proof....For all you who doubted it.

Given: a=b
1: a*a=ab
2: a*a-b*b=ab-b*b
3: (a+b)(a-b)=b(a-b)
4: a+b = b
5: a+a=a
6: 2a=a
Therefore: 1=2

There is, of course, a flaw in the proof. And if someone can find it, and post it in the comments, they will get a cookie. But probably not from me. And more than likely, there will be no causal relationship between that person getting a cookie and figuring out the flaw in the proof. But it only stands to reason that the person who figures out the flaw in the proof will also get a cookie at some time in the future.

Best wishes.

Nope, the first step is just fine. It's the "given." However, the first step is related to the flaw!

the flaw is in the third to the fourth step. a-b=0, you can't divide by zero, since it is undefined.

Therefore, you can't divide either side by (a-b). It works as long as you don't assign any numbers to the variables.

uh, sharon, not certain where you are here, but where does he list a+a=ab... I see an a*a=ab, which is a star, which is multiplication for comp sci.

Froyd wins the cookie!... at some point in the future.

You're so smart.

Yeah, and about that a*b issue. I really wanted to make that a little clearer, but it just didn't work out. You know, for (a*a), it would be nice if I knew how to do superscript in HTML,but just didn't feel like looking it up.

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